Years ago, in the early 1990s a company called Den-Mat came out with a toothpaste called Rembrandt that was specifically used for whitening or bleaching teeth. One of the things that we saw was a decrease in the number of canker sore attacks in patients that were using it. After much research as to why it was determined that this toothpaste did not contain a chemical called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and that was the common denominator. Years have passed and the company that manufactured this toothpaste has changed multiple times but there is still a Rembrandt Gentle White toothpaste that came from this line as well as many other brands of toothpastes that now do not contain this SLS. So, if you do get frequent canker sores in your mouth you may want to switch to a toothpaste without this ingredient but one that does, in fact, contain fluoride for cavity protection.
(The information contained in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the professional knowledge or advice of your personal dentist.)