Dental sealants are a preventive treatment for children. It is a procedure that involves flowing a composite bonding material into the grooves or fissures of the molar teeth. It is ideally placed within 6 months or so of the molars erupting in order to prevent decay. The grooves of the teeth or fissures, as we like to call them, are narrow and deep. Therefore, the bristles of the toothbrush cannot reach the bottom to clean. This allows the bacteria in our saliva to sit there and release acids that can cause tooth decay. Sealants protect/seal the surface of these fissures and thus prevent the bacteria from getting into them.
They do not last forever but are used as an adjunct to get children thru their cavity prone years with a better chance of keeping their teeth healthy. The process involves treating the surface with a few dental materials painlessly and setting it with a special bonding light. They usually are opaque white in color but can also be clear or an opaque yellow as well. In our office we utilize the white ones as shown below.
(The information contained in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the professional knowledge or advice of your personal dentist.)